
Hearing Solutions

We’re Pakistan’s Largest Hearing Clinic

IRHC is the #1 Hearing solution clinic based in Islamabad and Rawalpindi that provides the best audiology services coupled with the best patient care. Experts at IRHC ensure comprehensive services from routine check-ups to specialized hearing treatments including hearing tests, repairs, hearing aids, and customizations. We emphasize convenience, so our dedicated team conducts both home-based assessments and in-clinic tests. 

IRHC the top audiology clinic is dedicated to providing the most effective Professional Hearing Solutions aiming to enhance your overall best hearing experience. You can talk to our medical doctors, and engineers, or reach us anytime for medical advice.

In Pakistan, we are offering the best hearing aids with state-of-the-art engineered equipments that will give your life another chance to get rid of hearing loss. With modern facilities, we promise to give you the best gift of life which is hearing. Contact us now!

Professional Hearing Solutions

Hearing Solutions Islamabad & Rawalpindi is building up its reputation by delivering custom-tailored hearing solutions. With cutting-edge hearing tests and audiology assessments, we pinpoint the root cause of the hearing loss.

After evaluation, we give an effective retreatment plan to cater to the customer’s needs. Moreover, our state-of-the-art engineered audiology tools aid in hearing after conducting a lengthy evaluation and clinical testing. Regardless of these treatments, our motto is to provide patients with the best hearing experience that they can ever dream of. With our expertise and modern methodologies we ensure precise diagnosis and effective treatments for your fastest hearing recovery and wellbeing.

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Best Audiologist Offering Best Home-Based Services

IRHC is the platform for the best audiologists offering the best home-based visits for the patient’s convenience. Our professionals visit with comprehensive hearing tool kit, perform personalized assessments & hearing tests and design effective hearing aid solutions at your doorstep.

We take pride in visiting our patients to provide them with tailored hearing solutions. For instance, aid fitting, adjustments, and follow-ups. We prioritize our patient’s comfort first and bring hearing loss treatment to the comfort of your home without compromising on quality. Our home visit services cater your specific hearing needs with expert care and customized support. Our Pakistan’s top audiologist will walk into your home to personally assess you and provide you with effortless hassle-free but standardized hearing care.

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Hearing Assessment

Our experts are offering standardised effective modern assessment facilities at your home.

Our Process of Hearing Loss Assessment

IRHC Audiologist conducts comprehensive hearing loss assessment process that can either be conducted in the comfort of your home or in-clinic prioritizing precision and personalized care. In the process of hearing assessment, whether it’s in clinic or at home, our experts employ high-end standard tools for the evaluation of hearing capabilities.

Our experts commence hearing assessment by asking about the medical history and any other medical conditions that can concerns your hearing problems. Throughout the process, we employ hearing tests like including pure-tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and tympanometry.

With the help of hearing tests, we identify the cause and nature of the hearing loss. Furthermore, these hearing tests also help us to diagnose the frequency at which level you can hear or perceive voices.

Our systematic procedure for conducting an evaluation or assessment for hearing problems is same whether at your home or in-clinic. Our assessment process provides 100% accuracy without compromising on quality and treatment. However, at home assessments provide added convenience for senior citizens and bed ridden patients.

Finally after completing comprehensive assessment, our audiologists analyze the results, collaborating with you to formulate a customized hearing solution. This may involve recommending hearing aids, assistive devices, or other interventions, all personalized to address your specific needs.

IRHC Pure Tone Audiometry PTA

Pure Tone Audiometry | PTA

Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) is a hearing test performed to assess the sound waves to determine the right hearing aid tool for a patient.

IRHC New Born Screening

New Born Screening

Newborn  screening, conducted shortly after birth through non-invasive techniques like OAE or ABR tests, aims to detect potential impairments early for timely intervention.

IRHC Tinnitus


Tinnitus is a buzzing and ringing sound in eras. This test evaluates whether the cause is inside the body or outside the source.

IRHC Otoacoustic Emissions OAE

Otoacoustic Emissions | OAE

The otoacoustic emission test (OAE) is specialized and performed on infants and special people to assess the hair cell function in the ears for several reasons.

IRHC Tympanometry

Tympanic Membrane | Tympanometry

Tympanometry is a form of assessment test which assess the hearing loss in the ear drum. It measures sounds heard by ears at a high pitch level.

IRHC FM Systems

FM Systems

This test is performed to assess hearing loss by entering the person in a noisy situation to listen to the sounds and voices such as classrooms.

IRHC Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry BEAR

Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry

BERA test is performed with infants and new-borns for hearing loss assessment. The test is a sample of the most important auditory system response.

IRHC Auditory Steady State Response ASSR

Auditory Steady State Response | ASSR

ASSR hearing test is performed to assess the steady tone record response through loudspeakers. Kids advised with auditory steady-state response (ASSR) to evaluate hearing loss.

IRHC Audiometry

Audiometry (AC | BC)

This test is designed to assess the air conduction AC and bone conduction BC. Sounds are played at various frequencies via headphones to assess patient response.

Book Your Hearing Test Today At the Comfort of Your Home

Professional Hearing Solutions

Do you think you may have hearing loss? Take out 3-minute for online hearing test

Speech therapy is not only linked with communication problems but it is vast and deals in a variety of portions. Speech therapy helps people to communicate better at their own pace and not jumble the words together.

Any kind of speech disorder will need exercises that will improve the muscles contractions of the mouth and jaws. Speech therapy services in Rawalpindi is playing a crucial role and helping patients to break down the blockade and enable them to live freely.

IRHC Online Hearing Test

Free online hearing test

We are offering you the chance to take a free online hearing test from the comfort of your own home. If you’re finding it difficult to hear, it is highly important to check the performance of your hearing.

Meet Home Audiologist Now!

Experience the convenience of personalized audiology care with our Home Audiologist service. Our skilled professionals bring comprehensive assessments and tailored treatments directly at your doorstep. Say goodbye to the hassle of commuting to clinic! IRHC team ensures a thorough evaluation of your hearing abilities in the comfort of your home. With a commitment to precision and individualized care, our home visits cater to your specific needs, offering expert guidance and support. Schedule a visit today and embark on your journey towards improved hearing without leaving the comfort of your own home.

IRHC is offering a home-based audiology service to ensure the best professional hearing solutions. With personalized techniques and effective treatments, we deliver custom-made solutions at your doorstep. Say goodbye to the hassle of waiting in line, or appointment troubles. Our dedicated team will visit you and prioritize your needs with commitment.

Our focus is to provide the best patient care by offering expert guidance and support. Visit our clinic or schedule your home visit with us today, we ensure to provide you with an excellent hearing experience that will boost your well-being and quality of life.

Female Appointment Member - IRHC




When To Visit an Audiologist?

If you experience some of the signs like buzzing, ringing, can’t hear on variable frequencies, and total hair loss. Then it’s time to immediately consult an audiologist for help. Moreover, if you also experiencing difficulty in comprehending or understanding speech, feeling fullness in your ears, and feeling like itching or something is stuck in your ear. If you are over 50 age group then visit an audiologist right now. Because the unnoticed hearing loss signs are just starting that may lead to damage to the ear. 

The evaluation is necessary when you feel signs like hearing loss pain, leakage from the ears, or throbbing pain. Seek medical attention as soon as possible. Additionally, if you encounter any head injury and can’t be able to bear the loud noise should also get ready for evaluation by home audiologists. In this case, the IRHC is always one call away with complete solutions at the comfort of your home. 

Parents must take notice of their new-born or infant’s hearing. Such as, they can flick, snap, or ring anything near their ears to assess if they respond then there are no potential hearing issues. If they can’t respond, then the parent should consult with an audiologist right away to avoid hearing loss.

Best Hearing Clinic in Pakistan

IRHC is a one-stop solution to provide cutting-edge hearing solutions while sitting at home or in the clinic. Our expert staffs connect you with top audiologists for appointments at your convenience.

Experience quality care, standardized testing, diagnosis, and state-of-the-art hearing-aiding tools to ensure optimal levels of hearing health. Whether you prefer in-clinic or remote check-ups, our comprehensive techniques guarantee top-tier services for your auditory needs.

IRHC is based in Islamabad and Rawalpindi and is a trusted auditory health care provider with personalized quality solutions. We are one call away from you to cater to your needs and enhance better hearing experience. Contact us today.

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